Chimney Dampers
Dampers for your chimney are a necessary component to keeping your chimney safe, and in working order. Without a properly working damper, you could be opening your chimney up to critters, debris, and other negative elements.
Chimney dampers open and close when you need them, allowing heat to escape, but also keeping cool, air-conditioned air in during the warm spring and summer months. When your damper is closed, it also acts as a chimney cap, and this can keep out squirrels and birds that can get trapped in your chimney. Your damper, when properly installed, can be accessed easily through your fireplace, allowing you to open it before your fireplace is used, and close it easily when you are finished burning your fire. Many are made of copper and aluminum, so you can be sure they will last a long time, and will continue to protect your chimney without rusting. Invest in a safe chimney damper that will maintain the temperature of your home, while protecting your chimney for years to come. Ask about our lifetime warranty on all our chimney dampers.