Chimney Repair and Maintenance
Maintaining the integrity of your chimney is vital to the maintenance of your entire house, and neglecting to maintain your chimney can result in expensive repairs. Chimneys vary from house to house and depending on the type of house, the age of your house and the climate you live in you could require a different type of maintenance. Repairing your chimney requires a company that has a variety of masonry skills.
In the South, one of the biggest concerns for chimneys is moisture. As we’ve discussed moisture can cause a variety of issues in a chimney and can damage the mortar inside your chimney. If your chimney has been relined with metal, moisture can rust the metal. Rust and damaged mortar can inhibit your chimney from working efficiently, and can also create holes throughout your chimney. No matter what material your chimney is made of, moisture can be very detrimental to the overall quality of your chimney and how your appliance operates. Take time to call a professional chimney maintenance company to inspect your chimney and make sure it’s free of moisture, debris, and other harmful materials. In most cases you can even have your chimney waterproofed in order to further protect it from moisture damage.
While you may be able to detect cracks and other damage from the outside of your chimney, and by looking up your chimney, it’s important to have it properly inspected. Many cracks and moisture damage is located deep within your chimney and they require specialized tools to be able to view them. Trust a professional chimney repair and maintenance company to inspect your chimney from the inside out, and to be able to make any and all repairs detected in your chimney. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Act now to make sure your chimney is in perfect working condition.