It's Spring Cleaning time! One chore that sometimes gets overlooked is cleaning out the dryer vent. It's one of those out of sight, out of mind
Historic Chimney Restoration
Here in Tidewater Virginia there are numerous historical properties, many of which are still used as regular family homes. Historic properties come
Chimney Swifts-What You Need to Know
It's that time of year! The Chimney Swifts are migrating from their winter grounds in Peru, Columbia, and Northwestern Brazil to their mating and
Creosote-Part 2
Last week we looked at what creosote is and where it comes from, this week, we're looking at it's buildup in your chimney, and how it's
Creosote-Part 1
Creosote is the enemy of a well functioning chimney and can cause catastrophic fires. What is it? Where does it come from? How can it be prevented?
Reasons to Add a Gas Fireplace
Here in Hampton Roads spring is the most popular time of year to sell your home. If you're thinking of selling this spring you're likely considering
Come See Us at the Hampton Roads Home Show
Join us this weekend at the Hampton Roads Home Show at the Hampton Roads Convention Center! The show is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the 7th,
Wood Stoves and Air Quality, Why it Matters.
Here at Black Goose we sell wood stoves, perform pre-installation inspections, install them, and maintain them (and their attached chimneys). We are
Black Goose Chimney
Black Goose Chimney was started in 1992 by Jim Bostaph, after he spent eight years as a Realtor. For the first five years Jim ran the business